Thursday, September 22, 2011

Democrats please keep parroting the Obama’s soak the rich “it’s math not class warfare” lines. You are so entertaining. The more you carry on as though the 2008 massacre never happened, as though a Republican didn't win Ted Kennedy's seat, as though a Republican didn't win Weiner's seat which has been Dem since the 1920s the funnier you get. You're ready for SNL.

You know the facts but won’t admit to them.

The top 1 percent already pay 40 percent of federal income tax. The bottom 40 percent pay zero. Five to 10 percent of those not only pay nothing, they get tax returns of other taxpayers’ money. That’s a direct wealth transference which socialists like you and Obama love.

Didn’t you see Obama’s nose grow as he told lie after lie, starting with the one about Buffet’s secretary in his the-rich-are-bastards speech?

2008 IRS data shows that the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid an average 23 percent of their income; the top 5 percent, 20 percent; top 10, percent; top 25, 15.68 percent, and top 50 percent, 13.65 percent.

The bottom 50 percent paid an average 2.59 percent.

Then there’s the lie that we either tax the rich or “gut education.” What is it a dead fish? Well, yes, especially in places run for generations by Democrats like Detroit and D.C.

What bull, that it’s an either or, close schools and push granny of a cliff or tax the rich. It’s disgusting.

The 2009 data shows about 250,000 households made more than $1 million for a total of $727 billion. A 10 percent surtax would generate at most about $73 billion, which amounts to 2 percent of federal spending.

That’s assuming they won’t find legal ways to avoid paying it, which they will.

Only a dyed- in-the-wool liberal like you could believe that the government could make better use of that $73 billion that the people Obama wants to confiscate it from.

You can’t possibly believe the money would go to deficit reduction. The Obama government would use it to pay off the union cronies that got him elected, on inefficient job killing “green energy” or on layers of three-figure-salary, make-work government bureaucracy employees.

And oh, those 250,000 households you hate so much, who aren’t paying their “fair share,” they amount to about 1.5 percent of all filers, but according to you and Obama it is their responsibility to pay everybody else’s bills, build bridges and schools, etc., which by the way they are already doing.

The $1 trillion stimulus was an abject failure and now he is going to save the economy with another stimulus half that size? The government can not create jobs, except make-work government jobs. While the rest of the country is hemorrhaging inside the Beltway has the highest income and lowest unemployment in the country. HMMM? How could that be?

Maybe if we weren’t buying food for 40 million Americans and paying the health insurance of 43 million and paying for the heat and housing of millions more, we wouldn’t be in this fix.

Those are your and Obama’s constituents. The dependent people you created. The people you have convinced have no shot without big government holding their hands and giving them other people’s money. And of course it’s all the fault of the big evil corporations.

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