Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Michelle's recipe for disaster

In my view it’s not the business of Michelle Obama, the federal government or the state government to tell local school districts what to serve for lunch in their cafeterias. School district cafeterias should serve food kids like and will eat instead of some diet created by FLOTUS or a bunch of bureaucrats in Washington or Harrisburg which kids will not eat and will wind up in the dumpster. If you haven’t heard the Los Angeles school district went for Michelle’s plan whole hog, er, I mean, whole soy. Out went chocolate milk, chicken nuggets, cheeseburgers and fries and in went black-bean burgers, quinoa salad and pad Thai, whatever that is. Whatya think happened? You guessed it. The kids won’t eat it. According to a story in the LA Times the new lunch menu thousands of tons of the stuff is winding up in dumpsters. Participation in the school lunch menu dropped to 13 percent, this in a district where 70 percent qualify for free or reduced lunches. Also the Times described that the new lunch menu has generated a black market for chips, candy, fast-food burgers, and other banned foods. Yeah, but Smiles, what about the obesity epidemic among kids? Kids are in school 180 days a year and most of them are home by 3 o’clock after which they can eat all the Doritos and drink all the Coke they want while they LOL with their BFFs on facebook. On those 180 days when kids are in school most of them have one meal, lunch, at school. Three meals a day times 365 days in a year is 1,095. That means kids get 16 percent of their meals at school in a year. Not that the schools have time to teach kids math like that when they are too busy worrying about stopping bullying, teaching it’s wonderful that Billy has two mommies, and making sure that whatever the kids do, they don’t pray. Anyway, the schools could force feed kids arugula and celery for lunch 180 days a year and it wouldn’t produce any biggest loser winners. I grew up on hot dogs, cheeseburgers, meatloaf, mashed and gravy, mac ‘n’ cheese, etc. and I was not obese or even fat as a kid, though I am fat now, but so far I haven’t died.